Think of a time when you achieved a personal goal
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Think of a time when you achieved a personal goal


I am fifteen years old and I am good at sports and am a member of my school’s basketball team . I have many friends and I am liked by everybody.

I wasn’t like this a year ago A year ago I had no friends . I was shy and awkward. I would hesitate to participate in any activity on he sports field . I hated going to school, My classmates ridiculed me called me obese. If I was absent nobody noticed , If I was upset nobody cared , I I was like invisible.

That was the irony, I was little too visible, I was overweight, and Fat I didn’t knew how the kilos piled on One moment seemed this happy and other I was sad.

I tried to avoid the mirror but people never let me forget my weight problem. Thin people are targeted too , After a particularly horrendous day of teasing by my classmates, I would burst into tear at home and declare not to go to school , My parents realized the situation and took me to a counsellor , she asked me quite a few questions. She helped me to plan and reduce my weight . She told me to tell to my self all through the day that ..”I would loose weight and achieve my goal" . It was important for me to achieve My target because I was loosing my confidence and hated to be seen in public. I was becoming a recluse.

The nutritionist suggested that I should go for walk everyday and gave me a diet plan, at first I found it very difficult to follow, but my family also supported me completely. WE have up snacking on foods with high calorie contents and included more fresh fruits and vegetables in our meal . We went for walks regularly and played badminton, throwback and other outdoor games.

After fourteen long monts of practice and determination, I reached my optimum weight , I dared to speak my mind and participate in my activities. I felt on top of the world , I felt a deep sense of accomplishment and now I feel nothing can ever put me down . NOTHING CAN STAND ON MY WAY TO SUCCESS


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