By Yeshaswini Srihari
It is too big a thing to fully know.
The universe expands beyond me like the sea and the horizon.
Like Aladdin’s carpet up in the sky
Like the sun rays during sunrise
It is unfathomable, unconquerable,
Mysterious to the human mind
And that is how it is magical.
Yes, I speak of science and magic in the same verse
Not pulling a rabbit out of a hat, or a coin from an ear.
This magic that I speak of
Is in wonder, in awe
In belief of what exists and what does not.
You see,
Science looks to pull things apart, to find the root
While the poet looks to put them back together
In ways you could not imagine.
And yet,
Both seek the beauty we so easily find.
Both seek to put out the verse of the universe.
There is magic in the skies
Which witness colours only the heavens could dream of
The celestial sphere upon our heads.
In wishing upon shooting stars
And wondering about the man in the moon
Never knowing that soon
It could be our footsteps among those craters
There is magic in knowing that the moon talks to the sea
Because of forces like gravity
And in taking the sea away with you in a shell
Because they are amplifiers of the sound that resonates
But there is magic in what it creates.
There is magic in the rain that touches our grounds
Falling amongst us from the clouds.
And in deciphering that I can create a rainbow
From a small prism in my hands with the help of light
But the magic is in the beauty of how
Light so white could turn into vivid colours so bright
And how it carries hope along edges
There is magic in knowing about the human body
And knowing that within it rests an indestructible soul
There is magic in knowing that the energy that flows within our veins
Has been across the world,
Has seen the elements
The sunshine, fire, rain
And is somehow comes back to us again.
There is beauty in testing reality
Either through facts or through prose
As the only thing that I can suppose
Is that it is eventually the beauty we find in science and poetry
That make up the verse of the universe.
There are much too many things which appear common in our world
Which appear as though they are nothing but what is on the surface
And this is where science and poetry play together, hand in hand
It is the beauty of looking beyond the surface
It is the beauty of thinking that this cannot possibly be it
It is the unwillingness to accept an unworthy end.
The act of looking beyond the surface is what makes
Facts and prose nothing but two sides of the same coin
It is true,
That we poets sometimes turn a blind eye to reality
Placing hope in worlds that do not exist
And loving things not known to us yet
But of loving things not known to us yet
Science is guilty as well
They look to a future they can surely see
While we look for ones far from reality
This could go on for ages.
It could go on for as long as man has existed.
But man’s love for the unknown,
The yet to come,
The exciting maybe,
Is what ties science and prose together.
And so,
In this quest to explain myself better
To explain this love of being in awe
I hope to have brought to your thoughts, to your mind
The getting along of two subjects of a kind
One looking beyond the truth, slightly into fantasy
And the other looking beyond the truth, slightly into reality
Each just trying to find beauty
Enough to contribute
To the verse of the universe.
By Yeshaswini Srihari