By Atharva Ughade
Unraveling the secrets to my life falling apart,
Let me in on all the noises you make,
Want what fun i'm missing trapped behind glass doors,
Wanna enjoy for once at my own heart's stake.
I'll wake up in blood but that is fine by me,
Im kind to others ‘goody two shoes’ for that I’m despised,
Ill bind what i have for a desperate stranger,
I'll go blind so a child can see through my eyes.
For a butterfly's life i'll trade my own,
Those beautiful colors combined making my life whole,
Be it riches or gold, im bold enough to not get sold,
And here is a proud man before you behold.
But now that the glass doors are shattered,
The world i see is not the same as it seems,
Its guilt, its pain, it's everything but freedom,
It's like the world opposite of all my dreams.
Every meal here is a fight for some,
For some it's a waste if not their favorite,
The one with respect are only with coats and blazer,
A waitress here gets her face painted by hot beverage.
I'll gladly go to the prison of glass again,
As it was the shield in the form of my teens,
Im being put in the grown ups world now,
Here it's all for self, even if it means.
I believe what they taught us since childhood was the things we should avoid,
Because people are never good to others here,
They wear a crooked smile of the face,
While there is a race ‘who made who shed the most tears’.
I said on my day here ill not be one of them,
But it's like a disease which in the end will affect you,
It's the process everyone goes through,
You're in the real world now and that is the only truth.
By Atharva Ughade