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Mom- A Shadow That Never Fades

Updated: Jan 29

By Valli.M

In the story of our family, Mom's the star,

Facing tough times, from near and far.

Married young, dreams in her heart,

She tackled challenges from the very start.

Not much knowledge, but she took charge,

Guiding us through life's tough barrage.

Money problems and Dad went away,

Yet she stayed strong, day by day.

Dad came back after many years,

But Mom's strength brushed away our fears.

In her arms, we found warmth and care,

Guiding us through times unfair.

People said mean things, but Mom stood tall,

Ignoring the hurt, she never let us fall.

Through financial struggles and dark days,

She turned it around in amazing ways.

Now we're grown, with jobs and delight,

Mom's sacrifices brought us into the light.

Mom, you're our hero, our guiding star,

You've shaped our lives from near to far.

To all moms like you, brave and kind,

Your love and strength are a special find.

You're the inspiration, full of grace,

In your love, we've found our place.

Love you, Mom, for all you've done,

A shining light, our number one.

Through struggles and joys, you led the way,

Grateful for you, we honor you each day.

By Valli.M

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