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Kaleidoscopic Zeal

Updated: Feb 14

By Amarja Advani

The zeal of our emotions can be so vivid, at the same time it can make you feel shallow

The vigour of our sensations can be so vibrant, at the same time it can make you feel empty

The intensity of our sentiments can be so powerful, at the same time it can make you feel superficial

The energy of our feelings can be so bright, at the same time it can make you feel cosmetic

In Spite of the fluctuations in our zeal of emotions,

Keep on with the zest of our feelings

Keep on with the passion of our sentiments

Keep on with the enthusiasm of our sensations

It is alright to be tender in our experiences

It is alright to be vulnerable in our feelings

It is alright to be sensitive in what we go through

The ups and downs, the changes, the shifts which we encounter is a part of our life and is a proof of us being alive

The key is in listening to our vibrations, knowing our instincts, understanding the insights of our emotions, being passionate about how we feel and showing some devotion towards self is all what a human would need

No jumbling, no puzzling,

Just relish the moments of now, by being mindful towards our feelings and thoughts and by being appreciative towards the kaleidoscopic zeal of so-called life!

By Amarja Advani

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