By Nikita D
We all face difficult phases and challenges in life. It has a very deep impact on us and hurt us very badly. It can be due to many reasons such as loss of something we wanted, loss of someone special, an unexpected failure, facing betrayal from people whom we trust, not able to keep up with the trust of others, accidents, past trauma, etc. The way we are hurt due to these incidents can be physical or mental. It requires time for us to come out of these incidents and heal ourselves.
There are various ways people use to heal themselves. Some of them are talking to a loved one about it, taking external help from people who are experts in healing, travelling, getting themselves engrossed in work, picking up a new activity or hobby, re starting an activity or hobby which they previously stopped, isolation from society to come out of the incidents, moving to a new place entirely, visiting temple, etc.Â
We sometimes do not get to know what the person might be undergoing as well. We feel that the person is normal, full of joy. But the effort they are putting to heal themselves we never know. In the process of this healing, we can notice a change in their behaviour as well. We fail to identify them. We never know what kind of pain the person might be undergoing if they have been hurt mentally. Physically when a person is hurt, we can at least identify or can think of the extent of the pain.Â
The most difficult type of pain to heal from is the pain which has been caused mentally. The person might be very much hurt. They may become so sad that they might start overthinking, slip to depression, develop anxiety, stop talking to people, might develop trust issues, lose interest in their daily activities, etc. We will never know until and unless we see that person or be with that person. It may happen that even though we are with that person we may fail to identify that they are actually in the process of healing themselves.Â
In life we come across so many people. We will never know anyone completely. So being kind and doing things as much as we can could heal someone. Sometimes even just listening to the person helps. Whatever we can do within limits can be done.  Â
It may happen that in this process we may heal ourselves as well. It’s difficult to understand human mind and heart whose thoughts and feelings keep changing. This definitely does not mean that we should change ourselves or lose our identity. Keep your identity. Be yourself. Love yourself.Â
By Nikita D