By S Varshini
The happy wide smiles carried him
through millions of miles,
The crazy old times flashed
through his mind like clouds of joy,
As he arrived at the final destination
he stood in awe of the ocean's origination,
Light heartedly as he enjoyed the scenic beauty,
there arose something in his consciousness,
That all this while seeking himself in alleys
during life's peaks and valleys,
He had been so busy with daily chores,
he forgot the one person who was always there,
So he smiled and whispered to his reflection,
"Thank you for loving me through it all
from beginning to the end"
By S Varshini
Self love ❤️ Loved the last line, very well captured the essence of the whole poem !
I like very much all these lines 💖
Anyone can love anyone but before that we must love ourselves (self - love) who will always be there inside us no matter what happens....❤️