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The Right Attitude

By Ms Ruchi Dedhia

Opinion, mindset, perspective or point of view, it’s a version of each other. Each one has one, which could be different. Hello, I am Ms Ruchi Dedhia from Mumbai, a daughter, a sister, a neighbour, a teacher or a facilitator, an Indian, a global citizen or could just consider me as a human. Am here today to share what according to me is 'The right attitude'.

As a child have understood whatever I am today is because of my parents- my support system, family, society, friends, teachers, at times even strangers and along with these people tangible and intangible but impactful influencer like beliefs, religion, values, principles, region, customs and traditions, climatic conditions too. To sum it up – all around me has manifested me. My behaviour is their reflection. Humans are social animals infused with intellect of varied degrees. This makes each one of us unique. As per the profound psychologist each human brain works differently in situations faced and so their treatments varies too. This thought of diversity made me wonder the magnitude of the creator. There must be something to emerge like it, some path to evolve ourselves to higher being. Yes you are reading my mind correctly that’s where my topic dawned upon me or emerged or emanated. To understand this better, let’s fragmentise the topic in 3 parts: 1) The 2) right 3) Attitude. The – it is a definite article- which could be used for talking about a person or thing that is already known or mentioned. It could be in the scriptures, historical books, or documented somewhere. It is also used when there is only one of it’s kind, like the preaching of Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the battlefield to protect DHARMA. Secondly the word Right : most important word, but could be deceptive. Right for me could be wrong for you. Glass half filled could be perceived as half empty but what matters is how you use the information perceived, that’s where the attitude plays a major role – the third word of my topic. If you see the glass half empty and feel depressed, do you think that it is right? Instead if you see the same glass that is half empty as a stepping stone it could illuminate your life long journey. It is rightly quoted by Thomas Edison:” I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” That’s what exactly I am talking about.

If we see hurdles , problems, negative thoughts, difficulties with the right attitude, it will not exist. Further it will not only comfort me or an individual but also it's nuclear chain reaction will affect the whole world as a whole.

This reminds me of a bed time story . There is this cruel step mother like one would imagine and act as a villain. And my favourite character Attitude- a beautiful lass. As expected the cruel step mother would assign all the household chores to Attitude and would time bound her to complete them too. To add to the misery of Attitude one day the mother created a crack in one of the pots which was used by Attitude to fetch water from the downhill stream. Attitude had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck. One of the pots now had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to Attitude one day by the stream. ‘I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house.’ Attitude smiled, ‘Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side?’, ‘That’s because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them. ’For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house.’ Attitude had changed the way she perceived the broken pot, her step mother, and her path, and so it was beautiful inspite of the conspiracy and evil around. Now the broken pot with the right attitude adds beauty, content and colours all around.

So you see all the problems if perceived with the right attitude could not only solve it but also spread the contagious right attitude further. The problem could be in human relations, political, social, economical, emotional, self perception, yet all will be well by just imbibing the right attitude.

As a budding teenager, I knew and one should know: Am I studying for marks or grade? OR is it for the quest of knowledge?

Am I here in the competition to win or participate or air my opinion or is it reverence to man, nature and God ,or all together? OR is it my being serving the purpose of the creator?

Am I here to show the mirror to people : how they think, act, react, or respond? OR how could the people observing, judging and listening to me be better thinkers?

Will I be happy with the victory or achievement? OR even if I loose or get defeated, am I going to lug around, sit back, crib and moan on it? OR instead take it as a learning for the future and be exemplified as a person with the right attitude that brought about a change.

Am sure when I was questioning all had this inner voice answering. Those answers are actually to be harnessed in a way that the other questions do not arise at all. Your inner voice is the voice of the soul. The soul that is within you and me, which in turn is a part the creator’s energy. The right attitude will help listen to it and respond accordingly. I may be questioned: but how do I cultivate the right attitude? OR how to listen to our inner voice? Answering that in the times of trial, take a pause. Think and ask as suggested by Zero Dean: what would a stronger, more confident and even better version of myself do in this situation. When you truly give it a thought and get an answer that is truly you, and it’s generally a good idea to listen to it and the right attitude too.

You might wonder why am I preaching? Even may ask : what is there for me in having the right attitude? Is it really necessary? Yes it is. Let me reiterate the line I used in the start: all around me has manifested me. So you influence and affect me and vice versa. To conclude let me quote lines by Pandurang Shastriji, “ Other is not other but he is my divine brother. To be is to be related.” Simply would say I see myself in you. Are you seeing yourself in me? And think again is it the right attitude?, is it really important?

By Ms Ruchi Dedhia

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