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The Prize

By Sabira Kaur

Chaos, noise and turmoil fill the darkness of this reality that encompasses me, as I walk on the hard, granite road I forget about the cars and traffic until a loud honk breaks my chain of thoughts that pull me out of the confines of the earth, and turn the prison around me a mere barrier to the world that I’m meant to be in. A canvas with splashes of the rainbow and soft majestic clouds accenting the animated scene with its dull glory.

My steps grow faster in an attempt to escape demise, the death machine coming at me faster than light, seconds begin to feel like hours, each hand that ticks decides my fate, with the last step, it makes a decision. I live. My heartbeat slows, but my pace doesn't, the world i live in haunts me, the people, the murkiness, the gloom.

I only tread faster until I reach the only glimmer of light I've found in this world, the pistachio walls contrasting the mulberry couch, lit with dimmed lamps set at the left corner, next to a red oak bookshelf, the wonderland tied together with a coffee table of the finest quality being outshined by the eggshell vase holding the truest form of beauty one could ever see, the lilac lilies.

I change into my plaid pyjamas, and tie up my auburn hair into a loose bun, I see the white heels slide across the floor as I kick them off. After making myself some hot chocolate, i place myself on the cloud-like couch, and pick up a book and wholly immerse myself into the characters and their lives just to have an escape from mine.

Light fades as the night marks its place for the day, and the sun sinks, passing its light and power to the moon. With the time and chapters passing, my thoughts begin to spew and speculate their next moves, they come to the realisation that while the world may be full of shadows and mayhem. It still has corners through which the tranquillity seeks in, and the glares of light luminescence, those moments where they do are the real prize.

By Sabira Kaur

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