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By Dakshmitha G

Friday, 1:30 P.M, Restaurant

She shrieked with happiness and excitement as her friend brought the extra large pizza onto the table. She knew she deserved this after the week of dieting she’d gone through to reduce the size of those love handles for the big wedding she attended the day before. She happily took a slice of pizza and took a huge bite out of it. The cheese melted in her mouth. She let out a sigh of pleasure as her friend commented -

“Watch what and how much you’re eating sis! You don’t want to turn into the ol’ potato again do ya?”

Even if she knew the comment was not meant to be mean, she still felt the jab hurt her. It struck a pang of irrational panic in her mind. Flashes of when she was used to be made fun of for being a little too unconventional flitted across her mind. She felt the pizza slowly get unappetizing. She felt her hunger slowly vanish. Just the thought of eating made her feel nauseous.

On the outside though, she just laughed off the comment and pretended to be happy and quickly changed the subject.

But nobody noticed that she never touched another slice of pizza that day on that table……

Friday, 10:30 P.M, Road back to her home

She was walking back home through a different route that day to reach her home faster. She only had 3 more blocks to go. It has been quite a while since she used this way but it has changed a lot. The area had turned a lot quieter and not a person was found around the area except for the occasional car or bike speeding by. Also, it had dark alleys leading away from the main road every now and then.

Like any other girl her age, she was wearing black jeans and a kurti that went till her knees. She had a dupatta covering her top and a small purse in her hand.

Suddenly, she heard a few steps coming towards her from behind her. She quickened her pace. The steps behind her quickened its pace too. An icy fear sent shivers down her spine as she turned to look over her shoulder. Her shriek of fear was silenced by a gruff hand that covered her mouth completely.

Nobody saw her being dragged out of sight, into one of the dark alleys…..

Saturday, 2:00 A.M, Her home

She slowly slid down the wall next to her bed in her apartment as she felt her body being wrecked with sobs. She let out a shriek of agony, of pain, of anger….

Nobody but her knew that she had to claw, fight and push her way out of that dark alley. Nobody knew how filthy she felt after all that happened to her that night. Nobody knew how much pain and sadness she hid behind her smiles each day. Nobody knew how hard she worked to fit in with the societal conventions of being the perfect women.

Nobody knew the deep emotions she felt and held behind each shriek.

Nobody knew……

By Dakshmitha G

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