Saraswati- The Mythical River
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Saraswati- The Mythical River

By M.Nizia

There are many holy rivers flowing in India , but the unknown truth behind River Saraswathi still remains a mystery .

Does Saraswathi River really exists ?

Why is it hidden?

Is saraswathi River a myth ?

Is it still flowing underground?

Thus Mythical River does exist and originates in the Aravalli range of Rajasthan. According to vedas and hindu epics , two stories are been told about the formation of this River. Historians say this River flowed between 6000 - 4000 BCE.

Why is it hidden ? Is it still flowing under the Earth?

Vedas say at Mana (a place in Badrinath) , Vyasa wrote Mahabaratham . He cursed Saraswathi to vanish and flowing into the Earth as she was making a lot of noise which made Lord Ganesh unable to hear his words.

But in reality this still remains a mystery. A lot of researches and scientific reasons are made but still unable to reveal the truth behind this mysterious puzzle .And no one can find the riddle!

What's the secret??

By M.Nizia

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