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Sadness - The 'Useless' Emotion

By Pooja Gupta

It is okay to feel sad. In fact, sometimes, it is good to feel sad. In a world full of people who view happiness as the key to all problems, I believe, too much happiness can be a problem in itself too.

We read and hear so much about 'how to be happy'. Isn't being sad important as well? If not for anything, at least so that we don't demean happiness when it walks in our lives; so that we know how to value it, whenever we're blessed with it.

Once in a while, we need to break down. We need to cry and let it out. Watch a sad movie or read a sad book. Happiness follows.

Just somehow, happiness happens to be unknowingly, quietly dependent upon sadness. Amidst all the sadness, is where the key to happiness lies. And we stupid humans, never look for it there.

Despite being titled as the 'useless' emotion, sadness has proven not to be so. Sadness strengthens our wellbeing. The very indication that something is going wrong somewhere, urges us to pay more attention to the intricacies, and bring about a change to improvise it.

We often worry that we've already depleted our stockpile of happiness that was supposed to last a lifetime. It is not so. Happiness is perpetual. So is sadness. They both complement each other, complete each other. They both coexist. Just that, at any given point in time, one always overpowers the other.

Everyone knows that anything in excess is potentially toxic. Sadness is not an exception. While sadness overpowers happiness, it is both a privilege, and a struggle to not get addicted to the sadness.

Because admit it, justifying being sad is way easier than putting in efforts for being happy, isn't it? But we can't let ourselves sink in sadness. We need to learn to strike a balance between sadness and happiness. It needn't be a perfect one. But a balance is necessary. Because the combination of sadness and happiness is what makes life 'whole'.

By Pooja Gupta

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