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Press Pause On Stress

By Dakshmitha G


The word has been used so many times now that it has lost its significance. What was once happening seldom to people has now become a part of their everyday lives. People tend to look past the signs that show that they are stressed in favor of saving time to cope with it and hence unconsciously put themselves in the way of the adverse effects of it, which they realise only way too late.

What does it mean? Psychologically, Stress is the body’s way of reacting to pressure. Sounds simple enough right? But that’s not all of it. Why does your body feel that pressure? How does it react to it? What are the different ways in which it does so?

These are some questions that humankind has looked for answers to at all times. It will take days, if not months to explore all of the answers we have so far. But that's not what we are here for. We want immediate and quick solutions to our problems. Here are a few stress coping mechanisms that take only at most, 20 minutes out of your busy daily life!!

  1. Try forcing a smile or laugh

Research shows that the body cannot tell the difference between a fake laugh and a real heartfelt laugh. So if you allow yourself to embrace it, the self-generated laugh can actually turn into a real one. Which immediately puts you in a better mood as laughing induces release of Endorphins and this can make you feel happier, even relieve pain! So next time you feel overwhelmed, crack a smile amigo!

  1. Play a song

Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive about life, while a slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day. Music has always had a huge and significant role in relieving stress. Music is therapeutic, quick and cost-effective! It's a lifestyle change that everyone definitely needs to try atleast once in their life!!

  1. Stretch!

It's important to take breaks regardless of the activity you are involved in. Breaks give a breather to your mind and allows it to rejuvenate and reboot in just a short period of time and will also increase its efficiency in the process! Stretching at your desk is a great way to do it if you can’t get up from the place you are working in. It can be some simple stretches like:

  • Clasp your hands together and push upward with your palms facing the sky.

  • Stretch and hold the pose for 10 seconds.

  • Try twisting your torso left and right for 30 seconds, then repeat.

4. Go for a Walk

Exercise or walking is a great way to manage stress. First, it lets you escape the situation. Second, exercise helps your body release endorphins, the neurotransmitters that make you feel warm and fuzzy. Think of walking as moving meditation. A few laps around the block can help you forget previous tension and relax so you return to the situation calmer and more collected.

5. Write it out

Writing out what you feel stressed about on a paper can help you see the positive ways to tackle the negative thoughts that make you stressed in the first place. It helps you, therefore, to get a clear mindset and once you get back to your work, you’ll know exactly what to do.

6. Try 4-7-8 Breathing

The 4-7-8 breathing method is a powerful trick that gives your body an extra boost of oxygen. Deep breathing is an effective way to reduce stress. To do this, place the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth and keep it there the whole time.

One cycle of 4-7-8 breathing

  • Part your lips slightly and exhale with a whooshing sound through your mouth.

  • Close your lips and inhale silently through your nose. Count to 4 in your head.

  • Hold your breath for 7 seconds.

  • Exhale (with a whoosh sound) for 8 seconds.

  • Practice this mindlessly to let your brain relax.

  • Complete this cycle for four full breaths.

7. Talking in third person

No it does not make you seem weird! In fact, studies have shown that talking in third person whether to someone else or to yourself, can help reduce stress levels. It is a form of exerting self control over negative thoughts. According to researchers, “Referring to yourself in the third person leads people to think about themselves more similar to how they think about others.” Doing this can help you distance yourself from the experience or situation. The best part, though? It requires less effort.

8. Exercise, but make it daily

We talked about walking earlier, but that was just a quick break. Routine exercise can help improve the way your body uses oxygen and helps you cope with stressful situations. The benefits of working out build up over time. You may be able to feel the difference as you stick to your routine. It’s recommended to exercise for at least 30 minutes five days a week.

9. Take a hot bath

The answer to washing away a day of stress may be in your bathroom. Hot water is known to help release endorphins and increase blood flow to the skin. Warm baths can also:

  • improve breathing

  • reduce risk of heart attack

  • lower blood pressure

  • burn calories

For folks living with chronic pain, hot baths can also help keep muscles loose and reduce flare-ups.

10. Clean your room, desk, or dishes

Besides removing clutter and giving you relief from a crowded space, cleaning is an effective mindfulness practice. One study found that students who washed dishes had greater states of mindfulness and positive moods.

If you don’t have time to clean thoroughly, take this opportunity to organize items or tackle one cleaning task at a time. For example, if you have a load of laundry, use each washing and drying load to time your breaks.

Now that we’ve seen how we can tackle a lot of stress that keeps coming our way, why not put some of these into action next time we feel stressed?

Stay stress-free, stay happy!!

By Dakshmitha G

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