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No, Plus Sized Models Do Not Glorify Obesity In The World Of Fashion

By Shivani Sinha

Encouragement of body positivity and promoting obesity are two sides of the same coin. An overweight influencer talking about their self-acceptance and self-love journey doesn't mean they are promoting obesity. An American Creator known as @sisiiuwu promotes plus-size fashion and her eating disorder journey is ridiculed and she is trolled for promoting “being fat”. Creators and influencers like her want people to accept themselves for who they are and they promote self-love for people to understand that before loving someone else you need to love yourself. They don't encourage eating more and gaining weight or being fat, they encourage people of all body types to be comfortable in their own skin instead of hating themselves over a few extra kilos.

“I want to see what an outfit actually looks like on someone that has a belly and big arms or flabby arms — someone that may not have a body shape that is an extreme hourglass."


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