Night World
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Night World

By Saketh Vaddadi

People give references of great friends or great lovers but what would be a greater reference for friendship than all those stars that shine right alongside the moon every night even though it disappears once in a fortnight leaving them alone and what would be a greater reference for love than that of the moon and Venus, the first evening star that shines the brightest realising that it will soon have the presence of the moon alongside it.

Well, there's one whole other world right above us that we don't see and don't realise. A lot more common to us than different from us. All it takes is to take a look up and bring peace so that both worlds live happily together in peace.

They say that night or darkness is the absence of light but if it's the night that brings friends together, if it's the night that brings two hearts closer, if it's the night that brings a family together and if it's the night that brings happiness and peace to all, then should'nt it be said that:

Day is the presence of light...

And not...

Night is the absence of light.

By Saketh Vaddadi

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