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Let's All Do Our Part

By Sonam Pattnaik

Not everyone has to walk the streets in a protest march or become an activist to effect change in the world. Instead we can all contribute in our little ways which in the end adds up to real, visible and remarkable change. Let me give you an example. In summer when the lakes and pools all go dry, helpless birds are tormented due to thirst. We all can keep a bowl of clean water on the terrace. We really don't have to do a lot of hard work to impact lives. Just a kind gesture as little as offering water to birds can mean a lot to someone. So many people arrange Anna daan or feasts occasionally to feed the poor. Not everyone can arrange huge feasts. But at least we all can feed one stray cow or stray dog. On every death anniversary of our father, we make sure to feed the children in one orphanage. Such kind acts usually go unnoticed by the world. Not everyone gets accolades for the simple acts of kindness done on a daily basis. Yet the eternal satisfaction that comes from such acts of kindness is the ultimate reward which is worth more than any story covered by Page 3. And believe me these little acts really add up to great change in the world. Let me tell you a small story. Once in a tide many fishes came to shore. And a small boy takes one fish and puts it back in the sea. Soon many join him inspired by his little act and thus many fishes could be rescued. This is a very inspirational story and hides a powerful message. Kindness is a chain. Being humans there is only so much we can do. I mean one man alone can't change everyone's life by magical wish. That's where the mantra- " each one help one", comes to play. In this way we can reach millions by our united effort. Just as those people at the shore together helped thousands of fishes go back to their home. We all must have heard of Kailash Satyarthi or Mother Teresa and how they helped the helpless. What they did was remarkable. But what all of us are doing in our daily lives just by carrying out our duties is also remarkable. People like Kailash Satyarthi or Mother Teresa dedicated their entire lives to social work. But not everyone can and neither everyone should give up their lives to social work. We need our bankers and teachers and doctors also. We need our lawyers, policemen and farmers too. They all have their own important role to play. We need our family men and properly functioning families too.

Just imagine where world would be without farmers. Who would give us our daily bread. And our policemen who are keeping us safe and our societies peaceful free from chaos and violence. What I mean to say is that everybody is contributing in their own special way just where they are. You don't always have to go to great extent to show kindness or make a difference. You don't have to be a philanthropist or full time social worker. But yes you can start practicing kindness in your own circle among family and friends. I don't have a job and my mother supports me financially. I get pocket money. Once a poor snacks vendor came to our door bitterly crying for help. His wife had suffered burn injuries and he needed help to buy medicines. I immediately withdrew money from atm and gave him. That was one little way I could help lessen the suffering of a soul. Not being financially independent does not give me much position to help people with money. But I can offer them my hand or time. We don't have to look far and beyond to look for an opportunity to extend our hands to help. We can begin from home. When my father was terminally ill, I would make sure to stay by his side and never leave him alone. We could not have reduced his pain, but we could definitely ease his struggle by becoming his strength. And so did my family. I am sure alike me many other kids have also gone to great lengths to help their family and friends or neighbours. And that's the point I want to make. We don't have to look outside to do great deeds to become great. We can just be there for our own people. My sister does full time job. So I make sure to play with her kid, so she has less to worry. I help her in cooking so that she has more time to play with her kid. These are all small ways in which we can contribute to our family in which way there is ultimately a lasting change in the world. And if and when it is possible within our capacity to reach beyond our close circle, that would also be wonderful. And if everybody do their share of duties for their family and friends, we can in turn build a beautiful country or society to live in. After all a peaceful family is the basis of a peaceful society. If we are happy and peaceful we can spread the happiness around. Family is where everyone comes back to after facing the inevitable hostility in the harsh world around. So many times the world has left us feeling like a loser then our family helps us bounce back. People with happy families are more productive also. A child growing up in a family full of love, affection and cooperation learns these values and practices it everywhere in his life. No better place to learn these values than family. After all home is a child's first school. Many children are not so lucky also. They are born into broken and dysfunctional families also. In such cases, friends become the shining light in their lives. A friend's warm smile and kind words can give them much needed respite from the daily struggles he has to face at home. We can also extend our hands a little beyond family and to our neighborhood. When our neighbour is sick we can cook a meal for them. If someone has to go to hospital we can lend them our car. We can help our maid get her child to school by helping her with fees or teaching the kid for free. There is no end to how many ways we can offer our help. All we require is the willingness to help others. In these difficult times of covid crisis, many people showed lots of courage and strength to go the extra mile. During the time of covid crisis, when the entire globe was in utter despair and devastation, few men with golden hearts showed their generous side. Not everyone got limelight, yet we all got to know of some such stories from media. People from very humble background also tried to help in their own little and unique ways. Many people have offered to prepare and distribute food for the stranded migrants who had nowhere to go and no source of income whatsoever. Those who could not be present physically donated money for PPEs and masks. Not everyone knows how the Mahindra group has been silently planting trees over millions of acres for many years now without any propaganda . There are also youth and child volunteers who quietly clean rivers of plastics and other pollutants. May be we all can't be physically available or give time. But the least we can do is we behave as responsible citizens and not litter the next time we go to a beach. Life will always provide for numerous opportunities where we can be of help to others. Where our one kind action can lift someone from eternal darkness. Don't underestimate the power of just one kind word, a warm hug or a pat on shoulder. It can give lots of hope to someone who is about to give up on life. If not much, we can always be warm human beings spreading love. Because in all of us lies the power to make a difference in the lives of people we come across: whether in big or small ways.

By Sonam Pattnaik

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