Name Of The Artwork: Katha- ( meaning story in malayalam) Caption Of Artwork: Katha based on a reminiscing dream set in a magical forest about a friend who didnt get to finish a story he was narrating. This piece is created on a 16×12 inch canvas using acrylic paints and using oil pastels mixed with walnut oil. Name Of The Artwork: Reflections Caption Of Artwork: Reflections is on the basis that no matter what we put out our truest forms will inadvertently be relfected back to us eventually. This piece is created on a 12×18inch canvas using acrylic paints. Name Of The Artwork: Grace Caption Of Artwork: Grace is a reflection of a part of the feminine that wraps her surroundings in the beauty and tranquil of her spirit. This peice is created using watercolors and soft pastels on 8×12 inch watercolor paper. Name Of The Artwork: Rage Caption Of Artwork: Rage being compared to the rough waters in the middle of the ocean. This peice is created using acrylic paints.
Artwork By Anusree
Updated: Feb 14