A Mothers Day Expedition
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A Mothers Day Expedition

By Shrivi VJ

Zeal is a giraffe

A forgetful calf

He is still small

He just can’t bawl

Savannah is his home

He always loves to roam

He can’t cross his mom’s bound

Beyond the dry, grassy ground

Jackie is his older brother

A dear giraffe like no other

He wants to buy a pleasant

Mother’s day present

He woke up dear Zeal

To seal a nice deal

To pop to the nearby town

And bring their mother a gown

As their mother was sound asleep

Zeal tiptoed off, making no peep

Off goes he for the first time ever

But poor Zeal was not very clever

Lefts and rights, directions jumbled

He got lost, his tummy rumbled

He looked round and round

No little living thing he found

“Hellooooo!” He shakily cooed

His bony legs, in fright, got glued

He heard a sudden hoppity hop

A fluffball scurried up with a plop

“Hello, who’s there?” Zeal said in fear

“Hi,” said the tiny thing. “Look down here!”

“Hello, down there- you look weird

Small and fluffy- quite long-eared,”

“Where have you come from?” asked little Zeal.

“I live in the meadow near the cornfield.

But you look as if you got stuck in a fence

And someone pulled you out, no offense,”

“But, oh, your neck is really long; I wonder why.

Can you see all the mountains and sky?”

Zeal thought this bouncy creature’s

Curiosity was one of its best features

“Oh, no, I was born like this-

So was my brother and mother and sis,”

The fluffball gasped. “There are others?”

Then she told him about a day for Mothers

“I’m heading to town for a card and a bouquet

For my Mum in the burrow because its Mothers Day,”

Then came a creature as white as snow

Who came with a basket and walked so slow

What thing is that? Nobody knows

What it has come for, where it goes

“Hallo, who’s this, a giraffe?” she looked up

“And a little grey bunny, as fluffy as a pup,”

The bunny said, “A giraffe? Is there such a thing?

Anyway, I must go, for I must bring

A lovely card and a bouquet for my mother

A gift better than that of my sister and brother,”

Off went the fluffy thing hopping away

She then squeaked, “Oh, I say!”

She came back to say, “Oh, I forgot

I lost my way after meeting you lot,”

“I’m lost too,” said a sheepish little Zeal

“And hungry, because I haven’t packed a meal

Can you help me find the way to Town?

I have to get my Mum a beautiful gown,”

“I’ll take you there,” said the sheep

“I’m Zoey my name in mind you keep,

And what’s your name?”

I’m Snowdrop Fluffame,”

“And I’m Zeal Mulberry,” said little Zeal.

“Would you like forest grass for a meal?”

To Zoey’s suggestion, the pair said “yes,”

“We have to hurry- I’ve gotta buy a dress!”

And then with springs and clipity-clops

The trio made off towards the shops

The streets were filled with children’s laugh

Everyone wowed at the baby giraffe

How spectacular! How cool! How strange!

It was nice to see a giraffe for a change

The three entered the first shop they saw

As Maisy, the shopkeeper, stared in awe

Zeal had to bend to fit into the store

Paid Maisy seven coins and left with four more

They set foot in the fancy boutique next door

As Zeal bought the dress, the pair was a-bore

They paraded the town their faces a-smile

With cards and gifts, carried the basket in style

Now was the time for the three to head home

And a very clueless Zeal started to roam

“Stop, Zeal! I’ve got a map,” said Zoe

“It’s back at home. Follow me- let’s go!”

They reached the farmer’s yard, and, golly gosh, oh!

What speed the sheep had! And we thought she was slow

“Hurry, Snowdrop! You’re making us late!

The chickens will go out- please shut the gate.”

Zoey giddied up to the farmer’s home

And picked up the key under the gnome

Zoey rushed in and unlocked the locks

She came out again with an odd-looking box

“Huh, what’s this rectangle thing you’ve brought?

I thought you had a map! And look, you have not!”

“Here’s the map!” Zoey showed Zeal the box

“Is this a magic soap for curing chicken pox?”

“It’s a phone! Have you been living under rocks?”

Then Snowdrop stops chasing chickens and talks

Snowdrop asked “What is that box and what does it do?”

Zoe explained in detail- they’d rather stand in a queue

Long and dull- they wished she would stop

The pair was bored- mostly Snowdrop

Zoe finished and showed them the way

“What a lovely morning in May!”

They soon reached Daisywindle Meadow

Snowdrop sighed. “It’s not this one- oh, no,”

Three big, heavy sighs

“That’s okay! Don’t worry, guys!”

Zoe finds another meadow with mayflower trees

“This is the place! There are lots of honeybees,”

Snowdrop wished the pair didn’t go

“Sorry, Snowdrop. We’ll visit you, though!”

Bunny gave them a basket of veggies and greens

“There’s radishes, carrots, spinach and beans,”

Both went to the nearby dry meadow on the map

“How did the box tell you the way?” “‘Cause It’s on the app!”

Zoey clicked pictures. Zeal looked for a landmark

“That waterfall is beautiful!” “I remember this park!”

Zeal knew the way, now, but Zoe wanted to come

“You know, I really want to meet your Mum!”

Through the hills and dry grounds they trotted

Zeal saw his mother, tall, bony and spotted

Zoe had to leave and head back to the pen

“Don’t worry, I’ll visit! I have to go-Bye, then!”

She galloped in the distance, basket in hoof

she was home to hear the familiar ‘woof-woof’

The dog barked, “Halloo!”

Her siblings asked, “What’s new?”

“Happy Mothers Day!” Zoe hugged her Mum

“We thought you were lost and weren’t gonna come!”

“I wasn’t lost, but, I did find some folk who were….”

And then Zoey’s great story was in the air

She laid Snowdrop’s basket down to share

Her family tucked away as she sat on a chair

Zoey was relaxed

Her journey was done

Yes, it was long

But wasn’t it fun?

Shall we have another one?

Maybe laters

By Shrivi VJ

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