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Our Mind An Ocean

By Sneha Gangadharan

Whenever I happened to go to the beaches or see the sea, I was always fascinated about the fact that how we are surrounded by such a deep ocean from all the sides. Still, we are not afraid that someday the water will come gushing and we all will get washed away. Then there won’t be a single trace of life left and might be it is the beginning of a new era or again another evolution takes place. Aren’t we too like ocean?.. Yes, we are. Our mind and the thoughts are not less than an ocean or might be deeper than that.

Mariana trench is considered to be the deepest trench and is hiding and protecting many secrets inside it that is difficult to explore even today when the science has developed in so many ways. Our mind too, is similar to such trenches which we call as subconscious mind. So many secrets and experiences whether good or bad are hidden there inside our mind that even we never want to explore. Like an ocean, outside we are calm and quiet, but inside huge Tsunami is happening everyday. Have we ever thought that we can mend it?. We do not have to carry those memories all the time with us. How simple it sounds. How I wish I could have such a genies lamp, which can erase all the bad memories.

Oh! Again, I was asking for a genies lamp. This is the problem with all the human beings that we often forget how powerful our mind is. The mind is as powerful as an ocean. It has the power to make us flourish or even destroy. The question is, are we making use of our mind in a proper way. We all have this powerful tool with us all the time. But how many of us are taking advantage of it? Not many. Because we often use our mind for thinking all those bad things that happened to us and thus attracting the same frequency from the Universe. Then again, we cry that bad things are happening like a series. Here comes the importance of Laws of Attraction. You are attracting what you are giving. If you are emitting sadness, worries, problems or any negative emotions, then you will receive the same thing from the Universe. And from where these emotions are coming? it’s from inside us which we often blame that outside world is giving us such bad situation. And if it is how, you believe then do not keep it with you, rather than give it back to them as the ocean does. The ocean will never take anything from us, even if we give something to it, it will return everything to us instantly or on the third day.

We are our creator and destroyer too, its just a mind game. All you need is to shift the energy. Do not let the mind dominate you, lets dominate the mind instead. If you learned the art of controlling your mind then everything is possible. Its just like surfing in the ocean. Many of us have seen how the surfers’ surfs with their boards with such an ease through those strong and huge waves because they have complete control over them. As I said our mind is the ocean and we are the surfers. To dominate our mind its very important to know how to do so and when?.

Meditation is the best way to control your mind. Do the meditation every day for at least 5 to 10 mins in the beginning. Let the thoughts flow. Do not stop the thoughts that comes to the mind. You don’t have to be in a yogic position to do the meditation, sit somewhere comfortably with closed eyes. Feel the moment and be yourself. Remember one thing that you can fool yourself but not your mind. It will register everything and will emits those frequencies. So when you feel that some negative emotions are coming shift the energy, by doing something that you love to do for eg, listening music, painting or drawing, cooking, reading or even a simple walk will do its magic.

Let inside our mind also be like an ocean that is calm and quiet on the surface. Oceans have all the power but they have set a limitation for others survival. Otherwise, there won’t be a single trace of life in this planet. Similarly, we also need to set a limitation to what kind of thoughts we should bring to our mind. Let it be happiness and positivity should be our dominant thoughts from now onwards.

By Sneha Gangadharan

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