By Jeffy John
Divorce- a word, a phase that completely breaks down the shell of a person’s peace of mind. It is not easy to come out of this phrase, and behave completely normal. People say, ‘It happens, move on and find someone better’, easier said than done. Honestly, it is a big STRUGGLE. I have seen people, struggling to be their normal selves again. This is where I wish to tell you of a person, very close to my heart, so full of life, who struggled to be herself again.
Trust me, this is not a story. This is a real phase that I myself witnessed right before my eyes. It’s only her name that I changed. Lionette was a very bright, jolly girl, who loved to see everyone around her, happy. She was a girl who lived in a dream, who had a fantasy that one day; she will find the prince of her dreams. She could sing, she could write, dance and ALSO, SMILE even she was crying inside. There was a phase in her family’s life, especially when her mother was hospitalised several times due to one critical condition or the other. It had been years of breakdown and sadness, this was what taught her to smile even though, she was crying inside.
Her parents used to reassure her, that God is seeing her pain, and will surely send someone for her, who will hold her hand, no matter what storms come up in her life. They felt that the right time had come- Lionette was already a teacher, well educated, and mature enough to understand life. They started searching for her, a suitable alliance. After some time, they were able to find and fixed her marriage. Lionette had completely left it to her parents, deciding not to go against their wishes. Finally, the awaited day arrived and so arrived 3 years of uncertainties and breakdown.
Lionette now doesn’t wish to talk about those 3 years and I also don’t force her much. The only thing that I could grasp from her conversations, that she was not the person I had known before. She hated to talk about love, fantasies and became quite sarcastic, from her usual self. This was not the Lionette, I knew. But what I go to know about those 3 years from her mother was, Lionette had desired was, emotional and mental support from her partner. Marriage was not only about sex, according to her. But her partner believed the vice-versa. Not only that, there was hardly an intimate, face-to-face conversation with her husband. A lot of times, misunderstandings and fights made her partner, shout out to her and he even asked her, to leave their house. He even emotionally trampled her, by calling her, a ‘home-breaker’ several times. On some days, it reached the verge of physical abuse as well.
Marriage had changed Lionette; it had made her mentally weak. Some where she wanted to leave, but was afraid of the society. But, her parents stood by her, the only reason that she could come out of that marriage, come out of that suffering. Lionette is divorced now, living her life, at least with some peace of mind. But, she is not the Lionette, I knew before. I know it will take time, and I know she will become herself again.
All we can do is WAIT.................................
By Jeffy John