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A Servant'S Side

By Aniruddh Jahagirdar

India has a large number of middle-class families and the greater part of us belong to them. It’s incredible to the point that there's bunches of affection, care-taking, togetherness, co-operation, sharing and happiness in our families. Yet, it’s extremely obvious until it is inside the boundary of our standing. At the point when the individual from the lower position crosses the boundary and goes under this roof of togetherness, it takes the move in another path. It all revolves around the story of house keepers, workers who simply are slaves according to these families.

The restrictions are stamped not on the maid, but rather on the name tag, 'house keeper' or a 'worker'. There are some set of rules that large number of workers ought to follow. These standards won't be told by the family members, it should already be known to the house keepers and since their family status is already defined, their entire family ought to follow them. Generally, some servants carry their children alongside them, the behaviour gets inherited into them. The servants blindly accept the thing and go ahead with it.

The house keeper walks shoeless on the hot streets, discovering a delight to serve and doing the master's will earnestly. When she arrives at the front door of the house, there's nobody to welcome or greet her. In most pessimistic scenarios, the front entryway won't be open for them, rather they are told to take the other way to get inside. There's nobody to converse with her, gab with her, no respect nothing. Their presence is really disregarded. Practically all children in these families have been in a sort of environment where they feel awkward to call or talk to workers using respectful words like Uncle or Aunty. So, at last, like all the remaining individuals from the family, the kids likewise straightforwardly utilize the worker's name to call them.

No doubt, the workers are offered with meals, yet many a times it will be either the leftover food or the earlier day's excess rice. In any such case, the workers have no complaints with it. They'll get some space on the ground at a corner of the house where they need to have the food in the old unwanted plate or some paper plates. What's more ultimately, I want to say the one thing that would have surely occurred in every family, giving their old unusable garments to their workers. As we suspect it’s not the sympathy that we think we are showering on them, it’s the question of our attitude that we show to them. Assuming we were actually serving our assistance to them, we would have bought some new garments for them which we will not do, rather make a method for tossing the trash out of our home. Furthermore, the responsibility that they are given can't be envisioned. Their owner-time always substitutes their own-time.

Every one of us, at some time, is in a position of authority over someone else. There are times that we hire someone to work for us. Just because you are placed in a position of authority over another person does not give you the right to yell at them, scream at them, or threaten them. If you, as a Believer, are in a position of authority, you must remember that you are always a servant of the Lord. Let us work faithfully for Him. Every human being should be treated with respect.

By Aniruddh Jahagirdar

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