By Ruhani Kothari
One created by mistakes,
That turns itself into a masterpiece,
One that soothes one’s eyes, one’s ears,
And puts one’s mind at ease…
One that is melodious,
Filled with harmony,
One that is calm
To create new thoughts
To end one’s harms…
Art, the beauty to life,
That can be found
Anywhere and everywhere searched.
Art is music
Art is dance
The illusion that drives
A person to trance….
The light to darkness,
The hope to vain,
The art that drives
One’s mind insane…
It carries one’s thoughts
And memories and pain
That helps overcome fears
And accept one’s faith…
Paint down their ideas
And sing out their grief
To make an eternal tune
Created piece by piece…
Like an ocean formed drop by drop
Words rushing that never stop….
Art is the life given by God
To the bland things in the world
To make it a better place
For the ones who brighten it up with grace….
By Ruhani Kothari