By Anal Kishore Singh
Life's a suffering, because it ends, always, with a question..
A question that demands not just answers, but action
Life's a suffering because every feeling you ever had, stayed..
in some corner of your troubled self, while you longed for the farewell it never bade..
It awaits to break you down, to happen again,
With maybe lesser or even more pain
Am I more alive when I feel it ? Or am I more alive when I don't ?
Does this question even matter ?
I just looked for the answers in the pieces of shatter.
Now what would you do?
Would you be able to take it ? Break it ? Shape it ?
Or do you infact crave it ?
Life's a suffering because no one feeling can ever take the place of another..
like no one soul can ever take the place of another
Amidst all of these, while you loose yourself piece by piece
and peace by peace..
What's the worth of all this? Where is the release?
The poem represents the state of being with the unsettling feelings that never leave us. The depths that these feelings take us to, making us question whether we're more alive with or without them. The efforts we do to get rid of them and realising that one feeling can never replace the other, so no matter how good our life becomes, the bad feelings or memories persist on.
By Anal Kishore Singh