By Heena Bhati
A 28 year old girl who's been sitting on a beach and writing this short tale about her ongoing journey since she was born.
Let’s take a look at her small journey. She was born in a higher middle class spicey joint family, Which belongs to Rang Rangeela Rajasthan. A pampered child who never experienced any kind of complications.
As we all know time is not always the same so due to some internal disputes her family got separated and afterward she used to live with her parents and two siblings. Somehow, she completed her high school as her family was going through a financial crisis and circumstances made her to leave her study in between and find some work to earn money so she can support her family and it was not easy for her to get through but she decided not to give up until and unless get it done.
After getting through the hell situation she fought bravely and tried every single possible thing to keep her family members happy and safe!
When she turned 24, Her parents wanted her to get married and settle down as all parents want to have this wish for their kids so they want to but she had some different plans with her life therefore she had already decided not to get married.
A girl who’s independent, confident, talented and honest towards her family, so is it not enough to be single?
Why do parents get so offended sometimes just because of our society?
We all are a part of this society, so are we so caward to stop one to live her dreams and share her success with her family who gave birth to her?
If she wants to fulfill the desire of her mom and dad which was missed in the past, is this so wrong that society will question her parents?
When a girl says “No” people take it for granted and think that she’s just feeling shy to accept your offer. If she says No it means she’s not agree with your opinion or offer.
This all gets started when we ourselves allow others to control us. When a girl child is born in our family we all treat her as a toy and pamper so much that she couldn’t even realize that something really dangerous can happen to her. So instead of making her weak we should try to teach her more independent techniques so when it requires one can backfire and save herself from such monsters.
Stay with me, it’s not end here!
She's unable to trust anyone because no one is trying to understand her point of view. Therefore she spends most of the time on the beach and walking over sands and looking at waves and feels like the wind is whispering.
She starts talking to the beach and feels like someone is definitely on the edge of the sea listening to her without any judgement.
At the end we all have our own choice to chose what’s correct for us. We just need to give a try.
Will continue...
By Heena Bhati