Enchanted Beings
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Enchanted Beings

By Adithya M

When I look up at the dark night sky, gazing at those distantly shining stars, I, once in a while come across these unreal thoughts which seizes to exist only on my mind, in high definition.

Giving a peek at our origins, the elemental thoughts that appeared in an early man, was slowly stretched into newer dimensions constructing incredible minds like Da Vinci, Galileo, Aristotle, Archimedes, Beethoven, Newton, Shakespeare and so on. The enormity of the theories and ideologies that claims to define us, usually competes with themselves. The philosophy of our existence fabricated by these extraordinary minds, has various interpretations in itself.

But sometimes, all of us come across an intense feeling about things, in the realm of ordinary life. And it passes by us so fast and collapses into a drop of tear in our eyes. It raises us to such excruciating levels that it simply vaporizes ideological illusion. That tiny moment of speck is so incredibly filled with energy and information.

It is analogous to those faint stars in the night sky, you don’t see them every time, they are barely visible. But occasionally as it gets darker and clearer, with enough time for your eyes, you can actually see them. Only in this case, you get to see them for long time. It just makes the entire night sky mesmerizing and vibrant.

It feels like it fills the space, just like those ultra-fast emotions fill you. It’s Beautiful!

And these very special emotions cannot be comprehended by others and there is absolutely no way you will be able to justify it for anyone, except you. Yes! Only you will be able to feel it through you.

That particular state of consciousness is something that nobody will ever be able to rationally explain. And the subtle notion that as we go deeper and farther in our understanding of this universe, the very laws that govern us start to shake. But impeccably, we’re in middle, stable and gentle.

That my dear friend is a beautiful experience that reveals the sublimity of the world around us. It can bring us to the edge of ecstasy or drown us deep in despair. And that’s the exact part of the spectrum which is very important. That we call Life!

By Adithya M

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