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Wrote Myself A Letter

By Vijay Kumar

Longtime din’ hear from no one, 

So I wrote myself a letter,

“Hey you, we hope you are well, 

An’ your troubles better

Last time you said 

You were down and out

Thought a letter may 

Lift your spirits about  

Been a while, we heard nothin’

So, we thought we’ll write you somethin’ 

At our end, we’r surviving

Nothin’s new

Seasons come and go

We’ve learnt to go with the flow

Hope you’r managin’ the same 

The pressures a real bane         

Some folks do come by to see if we’re still alive

They call ‘em ‘activists’  

They say things will be better,  

If we adopt an ‘active lifestyle’ 

People are very busy

Pretentious and sassy 

Young’uns moved to cities for a promotion,

They call it migration 

Life is all lonesome 

Few swing by for cokiee’n coffee 

No songs or weekend dances

Gon‘r the pikniks, 

The idyllic romances  


Cats an’ Dogs are friends

An’ animals now, the only family 

Down ‘ere, these are the new trends 

Our farmlan’s gone to the companies 

They swindled us and gave pennies 

We whittle some, 

An’ rock on the porch

Chew tobacco, 

Rue being left in the lurch            

Most folks nests are now empty

The lane quieter than yesterday

Tomorrow may happen

Though one can never say    

We too look for someun’ to talk to

Hope, you’ve got a friend

We may be bidding the world adieu next year

Do keep your ironed black-suit near  

‘…look ahead to your reply

Before it’s too late to say Goodbye”     

By Vijay Kumar

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