By Nidhi Raut Dessai
Old school love for a few is now like a boring trend
Broken relationships these days are difficult to mend
In this era of hook ups and break ups
Rarely will you find someone who will never give up
Gazing back at the older generation
Where for every problem blossomed a solution
In today's world no one really wants to sit and talk
Goodbyes echo louder as people just say bye and walk.
May it be a short distance or long distance
Your compromises and adjustments do make a difference
Jaded by the pain that hearts endure
People now fail to believe that love is even pure
When you find the right person, not every day will be the same
As things will come and go, like the money and the fame
Blessed are the ones who have someone by their side
Who refuse to let you go all through life's high tide
By Nidhi Raut Dessai
Nidhi! " Crafted beautiful soul in to words" Thanks
“Nicely crafted!”
Very nice♥️
Nidhi!! I must say, you’re an amazing poet👏🏻 All the best😄