Dame Plum’s Muffins.
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Dame Plum’s Muffins.

By Vaani Tantia

In the village of Busybodies there live a grand, old Dame called Dame Plum. Her brother Bob the policeman would come to visit her every Saturday for tea. She would bake him his favourite muffins.

One fine Saturday, the Dame made the muffins and put them out on the windowsill to cool. Then she went to check on her washing. Her neighbour, Twinkle was passing by and the delicious aroma of muffins went into his nostrils. He went to look at them. They were his favourite type! “Dame Plum won’t notice if I take one,” he thought.

So, he quickly grabbed one and ran deep into the forest. There he sat under a tree and munched the muffin greedily.

This time Dame Plum didn’t notice the missing muffin.

But the next time, Twinkle took two muffins. This time she did notice! The Dame told her brother about it.

“You see Bob, I had made eight muffins for you. I put them out on the windowsill to cool and went to take the mail. But when I came back there were only six left!” she said.

“Don’t worry Hannah, I shall find out who is stealing the muffins,” said Bob.

But Bob was a busy man. He soon forgot all about the promise. So, Dame Plum decided to find the muffin thief herself!

The day she was baking muffins the Dame made four extra large ones. After they cooled down Dame Plum glazed them with EDIBLE STICKY GLUE and went out.

Twinkle was watching her from his garden and raced off to her garden as soon as she went out. He took the four large muffins, just as the Dame had thought!

That Saturday, Bob came to tea as usual. “Hannah didn’t you have to get something from Twinkle” he reminded her. “Yes, I did Bob! I’ll just be back.”

The Dame went over to Twinkle’s house and knocked on the door. He opened it and let her in.

“How are you today Twinkle?” she asked politely. Alas! Twinkle couldn’t answer because the EDIBLE STICKY GLUE has stuck his lips together. The Dame knew at once what had happened and fetched her brother Bob the policeman.

Bob scolded Twinkle to death and Dame Plum was cross with him because he did so. Finally, Twinkle unstuck his lips and said “Dame Plum, I am truly sorry for what I did” “It’s okay Twinkle. But never steal out of greed. And if you wish I’ll make muffins for you too on Saturdays!

By Vaani Tantia

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