Artwork By Benjamin Talreja
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Artwork By Benjamin Talreja

"The waves flowed to the shore, caressing the sand as it made its way back to the sea, like a lover's fingers grazing the skin of her love. In the warm of the evening light the water was as a glass, mirroring the green hills that swept up from the shore. The clouds shone like golden fire behind the rolling hills. But all this was lost upon the gaze of one who looked to the sea. Her brown eyes gazed far, full of hope and dispair. Hair dark curls caught in the wind, and was like a water fall pouring it's life into the sea. The maiden's dress of white lace, was embraced by the waters, pulling her ever deeper, calling to its final embrace. A tear fell from her cheek onto her soft fingers holding a bouquet of flowers wrought of steel, a token of the love of that loving smith who will not return. (Description of a woman waiting for her love, who was to return on the appointed day for their wedding, but never shows as he was lost to the sea. The scene description is just before her despair sets in, and she is still full of hope, holding the bridal bouquet of steel flowers that the lover made for her before his departure, and without realising she ends up walking towards the water until she is standing knee-length in it.)

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