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Updated: Jan 27, 2024

By Immane A Shiphrah

At the end of the day, I'm alone.

I sit quietly in a corner of my dark room

Trying to figure out where I went wrong.

I close my eyes, sing my favourite songs 

To see if they'd get me through.

But every single word I utter,

Every single song, reminds me of you.

I try to keep my sanity, I take deep breaths.

I let out a couple of silent screams, 

So that I don't disturb anyone at home.

Locks of hair stuck between my fingers,

I hit my head a hundred times 

To see if it'd make things any better.

I close my eyes tight, try to say my prayers.

I say dear Lord, and choke with tears.

I cry rivers and then whisper, Amen.

There are people who are nice and kind

But when you're back in your room 

After you're done roaming through the city 

with your friends,

When you walk in and close the door,

Something drops in your chest.

The weight of being on your own.

The butterflies in your stomach, die away.

I wander through the streets during the day,

I come back to my lonely room at night.

I feel caught in this house of bones.

My body is a graveyard of buried dreams.

My inside's rotting, while I look golden on the outside.

Then, suddenly, I get reminded of the miles to go before I sleep,

And I wipe my tears and wash my face.

My makeup runs in the sink, and so does my sadness's trace.

I walk out like nothing happened.

It is already late, so I pretend to be okay and prepare dinner.

Isn't that what we all do?

Is there anyone among us, who doesn't pretend?

Pretension, though not heal, does the job.

At the end of the day, we all realize, we're on our own.

We are alone.

By Immane A Shiphrah

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Pretending is part and parcel of life


Johanna Mary
Johanna Mary
Jan 13, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Heart touching


Lydia Santhini
Lydia Santhini
Jan 10, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Heart touching


Jan 10, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Beautifully expressed


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